THINK BACK TO 4th year high school. Le
t's see how much you remember & how much you regret..
1.What section were you?
- St.Therese
2. Who were your seatmates?
- toney, janine, jean, mike, meshack
3. Still remember your english teacher?
- Yeah, Ms. Dasico
4. What was your first class?
- MATH!!! followed by PHYSICS!!!
5. Who were your best[classmates]?
- Jana & Nexa
6. Who was your crush back then?
- hmn. alumni haha
7. Had a boyfriend/girlfriend?
- nope.
8. How was your class schedule?
- pabago-bago
9. Made any enemies?
- YEah
10. Who was your favorite teacher/s?
- none.
11. What sport did you play?
- ...i dont have any sports
12. Did you buy your lunch?
- Only this fourth qtr. 702
13. Were you a party animal?
- nope..
14. Were you well known in your school?
- All of us in the school known each other.[small group of students per class]
- i think me and half of my classmates o it once during our photoshoot for our grad pics and we suddenly forget that we have our computer class...Our teacher got mad at us
16. Did you get suspended/expelled?
- suspended once because of my llates
17. Can you sing the alma mater?
- yeah.
18. What was your favorite subject?
19. What was your school's full name?
- Colegio de santa rosa intramuros manila
20. Did you go to the dances?
- yeah. every monday and tuesday
21. Where did you go most often during breaks?
- Canteen, Rest room, Mo.Paula Bldg
22. If you could go back in time and do it all over, or change something, would you?
- My classmate known me for having the greatest number of lates haha iwant to change that.
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