Tuesday, March 2, 2010

FRANCO cousins aftermath

We expected that everything will be okay after our Lola's burial.
That they will be able to be as one again, We and my cousin really wants to have a
unity among them. Some of my little cousins asking for a bora trip but an unexpected event happened during that time. It caused all of us pain seeing that how will be our family after that, we already fill the gaps when we were separated to each other and now another trial is on the line.How I wish that we will still fill the blanks that we bonded during the wake. If I would given a chance to ride the time machine I'll make sure that day is the day I'm going to choose, UNITY is what we want, The sinful material in this world is What we HATE.

Now hundred of things comes to my mind and don't know how to I put it in ACTION.
1. To UNITE my family(Franco Clan)
2. To have another WEEK BONDING with my Cousin
4. To bring back the HAPPY Franco Family
5. To bring back the CLOSENESS among my clan.

What I really wished is that we will be able to UNITE and to SMILE again. :)))

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